Top 10 convergence-busting personal media players


We’ve come a long way since the days of digital audio jukeboxes. Nowadays, the term personal media players (or PMPs) seems to be the accepted shorthand for devices that can play music and video, display photos, and act as portable hard drives.

Except they can do a helluva lot more than that. The not-so-humble PMP is fast evolving into a true convergence device, stealing features from cameras, GPS satnav devices, gaming handhelds and personal TVs.

The Ten Tech Trends that will define 2007


By definition, technology is always evolving faster than any expert can keep up with it, no matter how much of a boffin they are. But right now, in 2007, the pace of change feels more rapid than ever.

Around us, consumer technology products are evolving, converging and spawning new gadgets like mad. Simply keeping up with the main developments is an exhausting (not to mention expensive) process. Still, that doesn’t stop us trying. In recent weeks, I’ve been analysing the ten consumer technology trends that I think are going to be most interesting in the second half of 2007.

Ten best geek videos ever, courtesy of the geeks at Valleywag

The loveable, yet slightly-angry ginger, Nick Douglas (who I must admit I stalk via Twitter, Vox, his personal blogs, plus Valleywag, the blog he was formerly editor of before being given the boot by Jason Calacanis’s number one frenemy), has collected the ten best geek dances of the past twenty years or so and posted them on Valleywag for not only our viewing pleasure…

5 gadgets you'll need to smuggle into the Big Brother house with you if Jade Goody's there

The boys in the know at Hecklerspray are putting some nice money on the table in the hopes Jade Goody will be re-entering the Big Brother house (for the third time) next week when the eight installment desecrates our television sets. It’s got us thinking about what you’d need to smuggle into the house with you in order to survive the relentless mouthing-off from Goody’s “immense pikey gob”, as Hecklerspray calls it

Top 10 rumours that might do an Apple / Engadget on other tech firms

rumour.jpgPoor Apple. One blog post about an iPhone delay based on a faked internal memo, and $4bn is wiped off its stockmarket value. Which has to make you wonder, what in God’s name will happen to Apple’s share price if the iPhone turns out to be rubbish? It’s a thought.

Another thought: could this happen to other tech firms? What sort of crazy rumour would send Microsoft’s stock diving, for example, or grind Sony’s share price into the dust? Weeell….