10 Music 2.0 services that'll change your listening habits forever

m20-myspace.jpgLet’s get one thing straight. The internet isn’t killing music, any more than home taping did back in the 1980s. Yes, CD sales are on the slide. Yes, people are still using peer-to-peer download services to trouser free music, despite the threat of legal action from the music industry. And yes, it’s possible that a whole generation of teenagers now believe music isn’t something you pay for.

PS3 Launch Special: Top 10 PS3 vids on YouTube

It's Monday, it's snowing, and more importantly shops are STILL taking pre-orders for PlayStation 3, despite it being just four days before launch. Either Sony's factories are staffed by ninja robots, or sales are disappointing – which you believe depends what kind of a fanboy you are, I guess.

Anyway, a video is worth a thousand words, even if they're about ninjas. So check below for the ten best PS3-related videos on YouTube, to get you in the mood for launch day this Friday.