Ofcom investigates OnlyFans age verification process

Social Media

Ofcom has today opened an investigation into whether OnlyFans is doing enough to prevent children from accessing pornography on its site.

Under existing regulations that pre-date the UK’s new Online Safety Act, video-sharing platforms (VSPs) established in the UK are required to take appropriate measures to prevent under-18s from accessing pornographic material. 

In response to this VSP regulation, a number of UK-based sites that host adult content – including the largest, OnlyFans – have introduced age verification measures. 

However, having reviewed submissions it received from OnlyFans in response to formal information requests, Ofcom has grounds to suspect the platform did not implement its age verification measures in such a way as to sufficiently protect under-18s from pornographic material.

Ofcom is also investigating whether OnlyFans failed to comply with its duties to provide complete and accurate information in response to these statutory requests.

Chris Price
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