Top 10 tech treats I'd rather buy than an Apple iPhone 3G

Rubbish! That's what I reckon. iWhat? Sure, it's sexy little number but at what cost, I ask you? What cost? If you go for the cheapest iPhone 3G package, you're going to spend £639 over 18 months and that, my friends, is a lot of wonga.

Do you really want to spend all of that on a phone? My mobile bill over the same period is nearly half that at £360, and, let's examine the evidence here, while I receive a healthy 250 texts per month and a muscular 750 minutes, you get poxy 125 SMSs with the iPhone 3G and a minuscule 75 minutes and most of those will be taken up with "Can you call me back?"

No, the iPhone 3G package is all kinds of wrong. You don't want to buy one of those. Instead here are 10 other much better items that'll bring you far greater happiness and value for your hard slaved £639…

Top 10 new Apple operating systems after OS X Snow Leopard


After Apple yesterday confirmed the release of their new operating system, OS X Snow Leopard, it occurred to us at TD that pretty soon Steve Jobs is going to run out of big cats to name his products after.

He’s gone through Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger and Leopard already and, with only Lion left, he’s going to have to move on to some different animals and eventually some other ideas altogether. So, knowing the Apple Master like we do, this is the Tech Digest Top 10 of what Apple will call their OSs next:

1.)OS X Amoeba – retro version harking back to the original Mac OSs

2.)OS X Badger – constantly double-checking with users for every single operation…

Top eight planet-saving gadgets for Earth Day – don't be mean, be green


If you are as yet to navigate to the Google homepage today, you may be unaware that it’s Earth Day today. Happy Earth Day everyone!

Earth Day is a day as old as the hills – even older. It’s as old as the mud the hills are made from. Earth Day started back in ancient Egypt when the villages on the banks of the Nile would celebrate the annual floods which brought silt deposits to fertilize their land.

In celebration, the villagers would throw the mud at one another in joy and to this day people still mark the event with the giving and receiving of pieces of earth.

Actually, that’s a complete lie but it was a nice story, wasn’t it? No, Earth Day is about awareness of the environment as started in 1970 by a gentleman named Gaylord Nelson and to do our part at Tech Digest we’re going to look at the best Earth-saving gadgets that money can buy…

Top ten changes I'd like to see made in the next Nintendo DS


According to virtually every tech or gaming-orientated blog on the internet superhighway, come July the rumour is that Nintendo will be announcing the next-gen DS console at the E3 expo.

As someone who’s rushed out and bought both previous incarnations of the portable gaming console, I can appreciate the huge lead made between the two, and as much as I adore the Lite, I can think of a couple improvements I’d like to see in the next version, which is rumoured to be called the ‘Liter’ or ‘Extreme’.

The rumour mill has already started grinding, with fingers being pointed at ‘larger screens’, with both possibly being touch-screen, and the hardware being ‘lighter and thinner’. So far, the DS fans aren’t really thinking outside the box, so if you read below, you’ll see my hopes for the next version…

1.) Flash memory – I know that game saves etc are saved onto the game cartridges, but if the DS took a few pointers from their rival the PSP (read on below), then they’d be needing a good 4GB of storage capacity at least.

2.) MP3-playback facility – sure, you can get external add-ons that will enable you to play media on your DS, but wouldn’t it be better if it was integrated?

3.) HSDPA chip – it’s not ever going to happen, but goodness, can you imagine? It already has Wi-Fi, so you can use the Opera browser when in hotspots, or play against your friends, but inbuilt HSDPA would allow you speedy web browsing without the need to be lurking outside Coffee Republic. A collaboration between Ninty and a mobile network would prove lucrative, allowing for a cheap monthly subscription to the web ‘n walk style internet service.

Quit waiting around for the hoverboard, jump on yesterday's dream technology today – MP4 video watches


MP4 watches! It’s basically the technology we thought we’d be using by now, back in 1996. “Imagine the day you can – how’s this for laughs, Doogie – watch video on your wristwatch! Oh man, imagine that! Porn on your wrist!”

Porn, indeed. Feast your eyes on these seven contraptions that will not only give your wrist a strange sweaty odor when you take it off each night, but allow you to watch MP4s on the move as well. Oh, and tell the time too I suppose

1.) Firebox watch (top left) – with 2GB of storage capacity, not only can you watch movies on its 1.5″ 260K OLED screen, but also listen to MP3s and view photos. Charging is completed by plugging the watch into your USB slot on your PC, giving you eight hours of video playback. £59.95.

2.) Vavolo watch (middle left) – as with the Firebox watch, it’s got 2GB of memory, and allows for video playback and photo-viewing on the 128 x 128 pixel screen. MP3 and WMA playback is also a feature, as is digital recording. $99.99…

The only action you're going to get this V-day: PSPSPS's list of video game lovers

Al from our PS3 blog, PSPSPS, has put together a handy top ten list of the sweetest couples within gaming. Featuring Carl Johnson and Catalina from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance from Half-Life 2 (pictured), Wander and Mono from Shadow of the Colossus and a bunch of others, it’s enough to make any hardened fanboy’s heart warm up by a…

13 tech-related product placements in The Bourne Ultimatum

bourneultimatum5.jpg Last night, whilst all the ‘slebs were walking the red carpet in Leicester Square showing off their designer frocks for the premiere of The Bourne Ultimatum, a few of us lucky Shinies got to go to an advance screening with Motorola at the BAFTA down the road. No fancy dresses for us, we all wore jeans. And boy, were we impressed, and I don’t even LIKE Matt Damon. (Said in Team America-esque voice, obviously).

One thing you’ll notice minutes into the film is the blatant product placement – director Paul Greengrass didn’t even try to hide it. Like the good little Tech Digester that I am, I sat there with a pen and paper and scrawled down every techie product placement I saw in the film, whether used by Jason Bourne himself, CIA agents, hit-men, or just billboards seen in shots. If you noticed any more I’ve missed, definitely leave your comments in the field below…