Review: Safari web-browser for Windows

As part of WWDC last night, Steve Jobs unveiled possibly the most important piece of news of the night to consumers – Safari, Apple’s very own web-browser, was to become available on Windows. Quite why any self-respecting Windows user would want to taint their hard drive with El Jobso’s machinery, and quite why Apple are interested in placing their software on Windows in the first place, no one knows. But then, the same thing was said when they announced iTunes would be available on Windows, and there’s no way in a-black-turtleneck-and-jeans heaven the iPod would have seen anywhere near the amount of success had this not been implemented.

So, we know Safari already owns 5% of the market share in web browsers – but will this new availability of the browser for Windows-users increase the popularity? Read on below for my review – and yes, I’ve tried not to wear my Bill Gates-adoration on my sleeve *too* much here, to give you the most unbias review I possibly can…

Daily Tech Hotlinks for 11-June-2007: BlackBerry Curve, iPhone, TorrentSpy, Sony, Vista, Flickr, Charlie Brooker, Facebook

-ZDNet catches RIM out by Googling ‘iPhone’, and discovering one of the sponsored links is for the BlackBerry Curve, tsk tsk.
– The end is nigh, as one of the largest BitTorrent sites, TorrentSpy, has been ordered to monitor its users’ online activities, to then be handed over to the MPAA. Goodbye, oh fair Lost downloads…
– Sony has a bee in its bonnet…

Daily Tech Hotlinks for 07-May-2007: Wii, Div-X, Amnesty, Sony, PSP

– A clever sausage of a Spanish doctor has invented the term ‘wiiitis’, pronounced ‘wee-eye-tis’, a condition describing sore muscles after a healthy round of Wii Tennis.
– Could Div-X be working on hardware to connect the PC to TV, ensuring easy-to-transfer-and-watch downloaded films? No more cables and pesky programs to download, huzzah!
– Three of the big online giants, Yahoo, Google and Microsoft have unwisely…

Daily Tech Hotlinks for 05-May-2007: Mobile phones, Pac-Man, Microsoft, 24, Japan

– Us Brits are a wasteful bunch, with 855,000 mobile phones being dropped into the toilet each year. Yes, our tariff plans really are shit.
– Today in NYC at the Pac-Man World Championships, Microsoft are due to announce something ‘big’ and ‘Pac-Man-related’. Probably a 360 Live remake or something, sigh.
– The average Brit…