Gigantic nuclear explosion video


The Discovery Channel ran footage of the largest nuclear explosion ever captured on film. This bang is so enormous, the plume reaches above the cloud cover, and the fallout radius is a quick 180km. It was detonated by the Russians as part of nuclear testing, and now the footage is online for you to reflect on. Video after the jump. [GT]

Worlds Largest Nuke Explosion (via Futurismic)

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Hong Kong blogger faces HK$400,000 fine, 12 months jail, for linking


To protest the overly broad province of the Obscene Articles Tribunal of the Hong Kong Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA), activist Oiwan Lam deliberately linked, in conjunction with writing on the tasteful photography to be found there, the keyword ‘nude’ on Flickr. Result: Lam’s page was classified as a Class II indecent article by the Obscene Articles Tribunal. He faces up to HK$400,000 in fines and 12 months in jail. [GT]

Interview with Oiwan Lam (via Boing Boing)

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