LG finally cuts price of Super Blu dual format high definition disc player


There’s been something of a price war between rival HD DVD and Blu-ray player manufacturers of late, but until now, dual format players haven’t followed suit.

LG has just announced that it’s to cut the US price of its “Super Blu” BH100 dual format (HD DVD/Blu-ray) player by $200, from $1,199 down to $999.

This may be in response to Samsung’s recent announcement of their BDP-UP5000 player, expected to retail for around $1,049.

LG receives Group 2 Freeview Playback certification for LT75 and PT85 Time Machine TV ranges

lg.pngLast week we reported that Humax has received Group 2 Freeview Playback certification for its DTRs, and now LG has also received certification, for its LCD and plasma Time Machine TV range.

LG claim that it’s the first company to receive such certification – presumably they mean for TVs otherwise Humax may have something to say about it.

Not that we really care who’s first – it simply means that more equipment has attained one of the latest digital TV standards, and so should improve consumers’ Freeview experience.

Shiny Video Review: LG Swarovski fridge brings a touch of Liberace to your kitchen

There were probably more technologically advanced fridge-freezers on show at the LG launch Alex attended last night, but this was the Blingiest Fridge Ever, so it had to be featured (plus there were no fridges with LCD screens on display yet, sadly). Just in case the clamouring crowd of fridge worshippers makes her spiel hard to hear, the key words are these: Swarovski bling…

LG Prada KE850 touch-screen mobile phone to be revamped and lose Prada logo?

pradaprada2.jpg Back in March this year I flew to Milan with LG to celebrate the launch of the LG Prada KE850 touch-screen mobile, and whilst chatting to a head honcho from the company, he let it slip that they were considering revamping the handset and even dropping the Prada affiliation, even before the launch of the first model.

Not particularly shocking, as I’m sure there’s plenty of gadget-loving fiends out there who lust after the KE850’s smooth curves and complete touch-screen experience, but don’t want to risk being mocked by their jeans-n-jumper wearing unfashionista friends…

2007 Tech Trends No. 5: Touchscreens


Fourth in a series of posts highlighting Tech Digest’s pick of big technology trends for the second half of 2007…

It may have escaped your notice, but there’s a new mobile handset called the iPhone coming out this Friday. I know, you’d think someone would have publicised it. One of the most intriguing elements of Apple’s handset is its tactile touch-screen interface, which goes further than merely dabbing at buttons with a stylus, and gets you using your fingers to swipe, slide and explore.

2007 Tech Trends No. 3: Blu-ray and HD DVD convergance


Third in a series of posts highlighting Tech Digest’s pick of big technology trends for the second half of 2007…

Will the rival Blu-ray and HD DVD camps make peace this side of Christmas (or even emerge from their trenches for a festive football match emulating the British and German troops in World War I? Not likely. Their battle will continue at full pelt until someone loses – mainly all the poor punters who plumped for the wrong format.