Mod of the year week: portable NES

We only changed it from the mod of the year to the mod of the week, as history dictates that Ninty fanboys will one day manage to create a personal Shigeru Miyamoto clone, shrunk down to pocket-size, who can guide you through impossible levels like the last castle in New Super Mario Bros., all the while yelling out words of encouragement such as “Itsa me, Mario!”

Whoever modded this NES into a handheld module no doubt has a GBA and even a DS. Heck, I bet he has all of Nintendo’s handhelds…

Eavesdrop on a conversation between the Nintendo President and a Ninty designer

The next best thing to actually having a conversation with the head of Nintendo must be being a fly on the wall, listening to a conversation between the Nintendo Prez Satoru Iwata and Shigesato Itoi (Japanese writer and designer of Nintendo’s Mother RPGs), as they discuss Ninty, and Shigeru Miyamoto in full detail.

Thanks to Itoi, we don’t need to buy expensive spy-microphones to make that dream a reality, as he’s only gone and published the whole conversation on his website! Yup, in English – either he’s brilliant…

Sega collaborates with Japanese newspaper on new Nintendo DS title

I’m suffering from a huge amount of Japanese-envy at the moment, with my best friend arriving home from Tokyo after four months away, an extra suitcase stuffed to the brim with Hello Kitty, Studio Ghibli and other assorted goodies. Someone get me over there, fast!

My latest reason for envying everything Japan has to offer comes courtesy of WiiWii, who have reported that a new DS title will be available over there, full of major Japanese events from the last 135 years….

Modders hack the Nintendo Wii to play DVDs

wiiconsole89.jpg Now, although I’m a firm Wii fangirl, I’m not immune to admitting there were a few discrepancies between the features first mentioned when the Wii was announced, and what consumers were actually left with after the console hit the shelves. Every gaming manufacturer does it, although none quite as drastically as Sony with the PS3, as any avid reader of Gary’s UK Resistance knows all too well during those months when Europe was at war….

WiiWii review the Japanese Nintendo DS game Otona No DS Kao Training (Face Training)

dsc00880.JPG Hello, cute WiiWii freelancer! It’s hard working at Shiny Media sometimes when we have so many freelancers spread throughout the country, often we have no idea what they look like. Until now, thanks to Chris’s recent review of the new DS game Face Training, which comes with an external camera, allowing THE WHOLE WORLD to view Chris’s bespeckled charm. Sigh.

Otona No DS Kao Training, or Face Training, if you will, was released earlier this month in Japan, but the lucky WiiWii-er managed to snag a copy for review purposes. He claims it probably won’t see a release outside of Japan, which is a shame, as judging by his verdict on the game and external camera, it sounds worth buying…