Eavesdrop on a conversation between the Nintendo President and a Ninty designer


The next best thing to actually having a conversation with the head of Nintendo must be being a fly on the wall, listening to a conversation between the Nintendo Prez Satoru Iwata and Shigesato Itoi (Japanese writer and designer of Nintendo’s Mother RPGs), as they discuss Ninty, and Shigeru Miyamoto in full detail.

Thanks to Itoi, we don’t need to buy expensive spy-microphones to make that dream a reality, as he’s only gone and published the whole conversation on his website! Yup, in English – either he’s brilliant at translating from Japanese to English, or is a dab hand at using the Babel Fish Translator.

New chapters from the conversation are going up everyday, so head over to Itoi’s site to check out just what makes the Nintendo President tick, and to garner more info on everyone’s favourite gaming superhero, Shigsy.

Itoi’s website (via WiiWii)

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