The… Amazon… Shipping Box… Robot…

Your company is NOTHING in Japan without a friendly mascot. Here’s Amazon’s attempt at hitting the big time – the Amazon Shipping Box Robot. It is the most incredible thing you will see on the internet today, as long as you haven’t been Googling “Gemma Atkinson bra” for the last hour with Safe Search turned off.

This is such a staggering toy we have NO OPTION but to break out the full-width image embedding code. You know it’s an important thing when that happens.


Volkswagen's "space up! blue" hybrid solar concept van thing

volkswagen-space-up-blue.jpgYes, it’s really called “space up! blue”. Hopefully it’ll get a more modest name should the thing ever arrive here. The VW 145, for example. Or, if they want to be really fancy, the V2000. There’s no need for exclamation marks in product names.

The sweet little mini concept car is powered by batteries and hydrogen, running for a very impressive 220 miles when charged to the max with both options…

Sanyo's little Eneloop electric pocket heater

sanyo-eneloop-warmer.jpgAbout 20 years ago you could buy small paper packets of hazardous chemicals, which, when shaken vigorously, would start up a chemical reaction and stay hot for a few hours. Then you threw it in the bin. It was a Christmas morning novelty.

How technology has improved! Battery maker par excellence Eneloop (a part of Sanyo) has revealed its rechargeable pocket heater, a fashionable little…

LG.Phillips develops a "dirt-resistant" LCD screen

LGPHILIPS-screen-dirt-away.jpgThis will come in very handy. You know why. Fingerprints. Not just fingerprints, but little bits of food you spit out occasionally during the course of a mammoth in-bed laptop browsing session. It’s OK, everyone sprays a few droplets of gob on their screens a couple of times a day. There’s nothing wrong with your mouth.

Sailing to the rescue of smudged displays is LG.Phillips, which must be…

The world's fastest lift!

I grew up in the country. Lifts were rare and therefore very exciting. Even getting to go on an escalator was something of a white-knuckle thrill ride into the possible future, coming around about once a year when going Christmas shopping in a town big enough to have two branches of WH Smith. Once you've felt it, the excitement of effortless upward motion never goes away.

This, the world's fastest lift, is located within the massive Taipei 101 tower. It can take passengers to the 89th floor in 37 seconds, at a speed of nearly 38mph. This is the ultimate in LIFT PORN: