A third of social networking users enter false information to protect their identities

facebook-security.jpgA growing trend amid all the Web 2.0 hype is concern over whether your MySpace or Facebook profile is a security risk. Certainly if you’re a smart identity thief, you could probably retire from rooting through dustbins, in favour of simply scanning social networks for people who give up too much information.

It seems many people are aware of this, though. A survey conducted by research firm Emedia suggests that 31% of users have entered false information on their profiles to protect their identity, while 62% say they’re worried about the safety of their personal data on these sites.

Facebook application iLike poses threat to MySpace

facebook-ilike.jpg Someone get Rupert Murdoch on the phone quick-smart! It appears that the Facebook application iLike has surpassed MySpace in regards to the number of fans/friends individual musicians have.

By far the most popular application on the social-networking site, iLike has eight million users on Facebook, with about 10% of that number using the application each day. Artists such as Kayne West and Nickelback reportedly have a vast…

Adobe updates Flash Player 9 "Moviestar" to include H.264 video support

flashlogo.gifAdobe has announced that its popular Flash Player 9, codenamed “Moviestar”, is being updated to include the H.264 / MPEG4 standard video format. This, together with technologies including High Efficiency AAC (HE-AAC) audio support and hardware accelerated, multi-core enhanced full screen video playback, could lead the way to Flash Player being used for high definition content.

It could also have implications for how popular video sharing services such as YouTube and MySpace operate, although YouTube is already moving to the H.264 format used by Quicktime so that videos can be played back on the iPhone, which currently doesn’t have Flash support.

Satirical newspaper The Onion creates partnership with MySpace

The maestros of satirical news, The Onion, confuzzle their readers every day and have just done the unthinkable – collaborated with MySpace in a ‘mutually beneficial partnership’. Last week they issued a press release announcing the collaboration, and their typical journalistic flair was evident in just the sub-heading alone. ‘THE ONION BRINGS JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY, CORRECT PUNTCUATION TO MYSPACE. Respected Pillar of Journalism Partners With Fledgling Unknown “Website”. The Onion Joins 40% Of Population In Starting Groundbreaking “Web Log”’…