The Squirt 2 – a 100% safe 1370HP jet-powered boat

We must try very hard not to refer to the Squirt 2 jet-powered boat as a “death trap.” Every time we call an odd and dangerous-looking invention a death trap, the inventor pops up and gets quite angry about it being labelled as a death trap.

As of yet, no one has died during the testing and creation of the Squirt 2 Turbine Jet-Boat so, for all intents and purposes, it is entirely safe. You may well emerge totally alive and unscathed from a trip on the aluminium-hulled jet-propelled speedboat that generates 1370 horsepower. Here it is showing off by firing up its engine…


Your hair will be slightly ruffled and there’s a chance your bowels will have emptied…

Two-screen, one stone Xentex laptop from the hardware Dark Ages for sale on eBay


Any old fool can get with the tiny program and buy themselves a EEE PC that’ll sit on the head of a pin as well as your hot little thighs but why not be the real envy of your friends and buy this absolute monster of leg-crushing laptop?

This is 19.5″, dual-screen laptop prototype made by Xentex features two 13.5″ displays that rotate independently…

R/C mobile drinks cooler: for very silly, very lazy people – just like me


This is the laziest thing since paying someone to touch your toes for you, lazier than putting yourself on a respirator because you just can’t be arsed to breathe. In fact, this item is so unbelievable unnecessary and pointless that I really want one.

I’m sitting in a boiling hot office in this first bloom of 2008 English summer. Whenever I look at this remote control drinks cooler…

Japanese man manages 780,000 porn hits in nine months – earns himself a demotion


A keen pornography fan in Japan managed to rack up a sensational 780,000 hits for various types of porn in the space of nine months – while he was at work.

The unnamed – but heroic and hard-working – Kinokawa city government employee was demoted when officials discovered his habit and examined the data logs, discovering the 780,000 offending hits. We’re not sure what definition of “hits” they’re using here, but he still clearly…

The Dog Microwave Pet Pavillion: just in case you’re crazy enough to think your pet needs incubating


One look at the Pet Pavillion and you can’t help but think of the urban myth about the old lady who successfully sued the microwave company when she cooked her dog, attempting to dry it after a rainy walk.

The lawsuit never really happened but obviously Korean-based company Autoelex was deeply affected by the story and sensed a gap in the pet-warming market…

Nose Pit Mask: stops hay fever, stops disease, makes you sound silly


Now, I don’t suffer from Hay Fever and I haven’t started coughing up lungs through London’s pollution just yet but I can see the appeal these nostril plugs would have for those with streaming cheeks at this time of year.

The Nose Mask Pit – I assume the translation is a little catchier in Japanese – is designed to help you defeat those foreign bodies just itching to get up your hooter…