Man RFID chips himself

It’s probably one of the oldest dilemmas mankind have faced. You need to get your guns from your gun cabinet, but you just can’t be bothered to put in the combination and waste precious seconds when you could be wasting precious people instead.

As luck would have it, one inventor has come up with an ingenious solution: chipping himself with an RFID chip, so he only has to wave his hands in front of the safe to open it.

eBay Nutcase of the Week: Bigfoot hoaxers sell their fake rubber suit and accompanying chest freezer


Remember the latest Bigfoot hoax that tricked a few extremely gullible conspiracy theorists on the internet a few months back?

Well, you can now purchase a very special souvenir of the event – the actual rubber suit shown off to the world as a discovered Bigfoot corpse. You also get the original chest freezer the body was shown in, like it’s a big toy in a presentation case…

Void in life filled by Mario toys

It’s OK. This makes everything OK. No matter how much you have spent on Sonic The Hedgehog plushes and Transformers action figures over the last 10 years, there is always someone out there who is in significantly deeper. Whoever owns this is in over their head. There is no way back to normal society from here.

This little lot is what you would generously describe as “quite a few” Nintendo toys. There would appear to be some duplicates in the collection, but that just adds to the sense of deep, tragic waste of money and a life.


I mustn’t laugh too much. If you changed…

Users of Bebo have sent their messages into space

Of all the people in the world you’d like to have communicating with alien leaders in a potential “first contact” scenario, would Bebo users really be the #1 choice? Well, that’s what’s happening, as the social networking site’s users’ suggestions for images and text to send into space as part of its ‘A Message From Earth’ project have been… sent into space.

501 messages from Bebo users – including photos of Richard and Judy and pop band McFly’s opinions on Cheryl Cole – were sent off from Ukraine’s National Space Agency yesterday in a fantastic waste of everyone’s time. Here’s Bebo’s sensational illustration of how sending messages into space works:


The messages will take a shade over 20 years…

Sony unveils useless feature – use a full-size PS3 controller on your PSP


You might have to humour me a little here – I’m not a console gamer. I love PC gaming, but I’m not a fan of trying to control first person shooters with a joypad. Yes, even Goldeneye on the N64. I know, I know, I’m a heathen.

But even thinking through the mind of a console gamer, I completely fail to see the point of using a joypad to control the PSP – which is essentially just a joypad with a screen on anyway…