Facebook lifting 5,000 friend limit is "a fake rumor" according to Loic Le Meur


This is Robert Scoble. He has too many friends on Facebook as you can see. Many others share similar plights – Jason Calacanis, comedian Jimmy Carr, heck – even Yoko Ono.

French blogger-turned web entrepreneur, Loic Le Meur (see my video interview with him here), whilst approaching that 5,000 friend limit fast, has published a post on his personal blog, drenching water all over that fiery hot rumour of recent times, that Facebook was soon to be lifting the 5,000 friend limit, claiming “it was a fake rumor”…

AOL combines Bebo, AIM, ICQ into "People Networks", looks to expand globally


A couple of months from AOL’s announcement of its intentions to buy Bebo, the $850m deal has been sealed.

Though exact details of future plans and money involved isn’t clear, it seems AOL is keen to push Bebo into other countries, particularly those in Europe, as well as creating “People Networks”, a new community platform combining Bebo, AIM, and ICQ…

Scarlett Johansson's album "Anywhere I Lay My Head" up for sampling on Napster


Yes, really. This is not a May 12 Fools joke.

Everyone’s favourite large-chested, pasty-faced art house actress has only gone and done an album of songs. She’s called it “Anywhere I Lay My Head” – an invitation to lewd comments if ever there was – and you can listen to bits of it RIGHT NOW on Napster.

Subscribers to whatever service it is Napster’s running these days can stream…

MySpace to share your details with eBay, Twitter and Yahoo but only if you want


It’s funny, isn’t it? On the one hand we have infinite remote security where you have to tell someone the middle name of the first person you snogged before you can buy an ice-cream over the phone and then online we’re chucking personal information about like there’s no tomorrow.

Sites like Facebook have seen us divulge everything short of our bank details – although I’m sure an application for that is on its way – and now it seems they’re going to share their info with each other – with our consent of course.

MySpace has launched MySpace Data Availability as part the Yahoo Open Social Foundation