Apple rumour #78,941 for the week – new MacBooks in as little as six weeks?


Thankfully another rumour from inside Cupertino has reared its smooth white head, with a Commercial Times article claiming that we’ll be seeing an upgrade to the MacBook range in the third quarter of 2008.

For anyone holding out for a new MacBook, that’s at least six weeks away, and even then, it’s still just rumour. The rumours this time around seem to be based on two Taiwanese flat-panel makers receiving orders for up to 3 million units for new MacBooks.

Most believe the revision will…

ASUS updates Eee 900 with new motherboard, dubs thee Eee 901


The Eee 900 has been out for just a week, however ASUS has declared it’s time for an update. Meet the 901, which has slight changes to its exterior, and a new Intel Atom chip buried within the 8.9″ sub-notebook.

Other changes include several metal finishings to the casing, including on the screen hinge (which is also lacking the power button now), on the keyboard, and trackpad, plus two microphones. One other thing worth noting…

Dell dropping some XPS models – pushing its new toy Alienware harder instead


High-stacking, low-selling PC maker Dell is planning to dump some of its XPS range of power machines, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

Thanks to Dell’s buying of Alienware in 2006, the box-shifter has no need for a high-end range of its own and will instead start pushing the Alienware machines harder on its site. The report in the WSJ suggests Dell is worried that its cheaper XPS desktops are competing too well against the equivalent Alienware models…