O2 may or may not be selling 16GB iPhone, depending on when you visit their website


Yesterday, O2’s web site claimed that it had no iPhones left in stock — not even the heftily-priced 16GB model.

Today, it seems, the 16GB is still available, even though “officially” it isn’t.

According to PC Advisor, O2 has “confirmed reports that the iPhone is not currently available anywhere in the UK” — that’ll be everywhere except the Apple Store, presumably, who are still merrily selling 8GB and 16GB iPhones with next-day delivery…

European Space Agency looking for astronauts! Sign up today! The dream lives on!


If you fancy being, say, THE FIRST MAN ON MARS, you really ought to head down to the Science Museum today, where the European Space Agency is launching its recruiting programme for the next generation of astronauts.

Anyone can apply, although, ideally, you’ll have a degree in science or medicine, be between 27 and 37 and in some sort of decent physical condition. An ability to speak Russian is also an advantage. And we’d imagine smokers are frowned upon…

3G iPhone June launch date confirmed as 100% FACT by, er, AT&T cancelling its employee holiday


American exclusive iPhone supplier AT&T has given the world its iPhone Rumour of the Day today, thanks to an internal email.

The phone company has asked its employees not to book any holiday between the dates of June 15 and July 12 – presumably, as the blogosphere is now presenting as 100% confirmation, because the 3G iPhone is indeed coming in June and it’s going to be ALL HANDS TO THE DECK to cope…

MDA Compact IV. Sort of exclusive to T-Mobile, running Windows Mobile 6.1 – and out before 3G iPhone?

The MDA Compact IV is only “sort of” exclusive to T-Mobile, as the Compact IV is a rebadged version of the HTC Diamond 3G touchy phone. Which is coming out on Orange this June. Confused? Yes. The hot weather’s not helping, either.

The big features of the MDA Compact are its HSDPA technology for fast browsing and use as a modem, Windows Mobile 6.1 for doing BUSINESS, 4GB of internal storage, a 3.1megapixel camera plus, as is most fashionable these days, a touchable screen. Here’s a big photo of it, as it’s clearly quite a very special phone if there’s been such a flurry of licensing and rebranding surrounding it:


The fully 3G MDA Compact IV will be on sale through…

Twenty most useless gadgets revealed in online survey


Brits by a lot of crap gadgets, it seems, if the results of a recent survey by the independent review site Reevoo is anything to go by.

The worst product of all time is the electric nail file — something I’ve never had cause to use — which is supposed to offer professional results but seemingly doesn’t.

Laser-guided scissors are rubbish because the laser is attached to the scissors (I suppose it would be) so is no good for those with shaky hands.

When is a candle not a candle? When it’s a pathetic electric candle, apparently, which came in at third place. Honestly, who doesn’t love real candles and the genuine risk of burning your house down?…

Microsoft reinventing Live Search – celeb gossip, maps and books updated to battle the Google machine


Keen to move itself up the public’s list of places they go to find stuff, Microsoft has today revealed a massive rethink and retooling of its Live Search portal.

The headline change – and the one that’ll make you go “Ooh!” the most is its new Live Search Video, which now includes a “motion thumbnail” – a mini 30 second preview of the video on the search result page. Try it here. Hover your mouse over the search results…

UK mobile broadband speed averages 1.46Mbps, but ads claim more


Sounding rather like the saga surrounding home broadband speeds, a recent survey suggests that mobile broadband users aren’t always getting the maximum speeds advertised.

Broadband Expert’s research, based on testing around 1,200 connections, found the average speed of UK mobile broadband is 1.46Mbps. This is around half the speed of the average home broadband speed of 2.95Mbps…

Wii Fit did the business – sixth most successful launch in the UK EVER


Good lord. We doubted it, we really did. We thought that the odd balancing/health/positive-thinking game would be a bit of a disaster, especially with its £70 price tag.

But no – Wii Fit managed to enter the UK charts at #1 this week, and it sold like crazy – handing it the sixth biggest-selling launch period of any game in the UK. Taking into account the £70 price point, Wii Fit actually became the third highest cash-taker of all time – taking £16.3m in the UK…

PS3's Home delayed until… god only knows when


The public beta test of Sony’s much delayed Home online service for PS3 has been – yes, you guessed it! – delayed again. Sony has now pushed back the launch of Home’s public beta test until “Fall 2008.”

Fall, as international-travelling, jet-set readers will know, is what Americans call Autumn. So if the beta test isn’t going to be out until Autumn 2008, it’s pretty unlikely that the finished, for-everyone 3D avatar system will arrive until 2009.

“We understand that we are asking PS3…