Facebook's five-thousand friend limit hit by Mark Cuban. Time to start deleting

facebook_logo.gifDId you know that Facebook has a limit to the number of people who can be added as “friends”? To be honest, I didn’t, but apparently if you try to add more than 5,000 people, you’re told that you’ve hit the upper limit.

I suppose when Facebook was first dreamt up, the creators thought that no-one would add even one-fifth of that many links to their account, but Mark Cuban is one person who has.

It’s happened because Facebook is used quite a lot as a way of linking up with people that you might have something in common with, even if you’ve never met them or had a meaningful online relationship.

Opinion: Vodafone gives us an early Christmas pressie and unwraps Social Networking on the move

Jon_small_new.jpgJonathan Weinberg writes… I saw a quick demonstration of this yesterday and it certainly looks like being a brilliant idea that I hope other mobile networks follow. With Internet prices dropping like stones across all the mobile firms thanks to bundled ‘unlimited’ data and use of social networking growing by the millions in the blink of an eye, it makes sense to match up the two.

Vodafone has designed a downloadable application that sits on your handset connecting you to Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and Bebo. Nothing majorly new there, because you can surf them at present and many have their own download applications too like the excellent Facebook program for Blackberrys…

Katherine Hannaford is…glad that Facebook is abolishing 'is' from status updates

facebooklogo250-thumb2.jpgI’d say 99% of Facebook users reading this line will have all seen the many groups on the social-networking site, calling for the abolishment of the word ‘is’ from status updates. Heck, some of you, like me, would’ve actually joined those groups.

Just like the groups which called for Cadbury Wispas to be brought back into production, the power…

Is Rupert Murdoch eyeing up LinkedIn for a possible acquisition?

rupert-murdoch-linkedIn.jpgThis geezer attempting a smile here is none other than Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corp. They already own MySpace, and a bunch of other online properties, but you see, herein lies the problem: old Mr. Murdoch is quite greedy, and if rumours are true, he’s considering buying LinkedIn.

The possible acquisition is rumoured to take place in January 2008, and as Tech Crunch states, LinkedIn’s…

LinkedIn signs up millionth time-wasting business person in the UK

linked-in-first-million.jpgFinally, an excuse to open the bottle of champagne you have lurking at the back of your fridge! LinkedIn is celebrating distracting business-minded people signing up its millionth UK-based user, and has awarded each of those million people a special little badge to stick on their profiles.

Whilst one million users in the UK doesn’t seem that impressive, the 16 million they have worldwide surely…

Clothe yourself silly with this web 2.0 social-networking t-shirt

We’ve seen plenty of geek t-shirts grace the virtual pages of Tech Digest before, but I don’t think none of them match the geek cred exuded by this web 2.0 effort. No, not even the flashing Wi-Fi reception top.

As your beady eyeballs can see, the shirt features a list of all the most popular social networking sites – all 79 of them. Wearers can use a marker pen to tick off all the sites they belong to, then…