THE MAN orders boy to hand his Narnia domain name over to the relevant copyright holders


Ahh, it’s always nice to hear about a young person having their dreams crushed and getting baptised into the adult world of misery! Especially on a Friday! We’ll be laughing all weekend.

Today’s innocence-loser is 11-year-old Comrie Saville-Smith, a boy who likes the CS Lewis world of Narnia quite a bit. So much so, in fact, that his dad bought him the domain name as a birthday present…

Toilet clogs, tooth pain, athlete's foot and lung cancer – Google Knol launches today


Good lord, Google has finally done something massively, terribly, horribly and publicly WRONG and BAD – thrust Google Knol upon an uncaring world.

The worthy and serious supposed competitor to Wikipedia, which features by-lined articles so you can apparently “trust” the writer more, has now gone public. And it’s great news – if you really need a guide to unblocking toilets in a hurry.

Or if you fancy reading about…

Man awarded £22,000 over fake Facebook profile "libel"


Mathew Firsht has won a sensational and trend-setting court case today, against a friend who set up a fake Facebook profile with loads of personal details – and sex-based lies – about Mathew’s life.

The former friend, cameraman Grant Raphael, also set up a Facebook group called “Has Mathew Firsht lied to you?” – a group which stayed online for 16 days…

UK ISPs and the music industry agree to act on piracy – strongly-worded letters on the way


The extermination plans have been finalised – six of the UK’s largest ISPs have agreed to crack down on music piracy by, er, sending out some letters.

The deal, partially negotiated by the government, will see “hundreds of thousands of letters” sent by ISPs to their users who are currently sharing a massive folder of music with who ever else happens to be using the internet at the same time.

BT, Virgin, Orange, Tiscali, BSkyB and Carphone Warehouse have signed up to the stern-letter-sending programme, something that Virgin’s already…

iTunes UK price cut cancelled – blame the credit crunch. Or the oil price. Or George Bush


Six months ago we got marginally excited. Marginally excited about possibly paying a bit less for our iTunes downloads in the UK, thanks to an EU complaint about UK buyers being charged more than our European “friends.”

Well. That’s not happening any more. Six months ago, 99cents were worth 74 Great British Pence, triggering the EU to ask Apple to cut its UK prices to make things all fair and equal in EuroWorld. But now, thanks to the plummeting pound/euro exchange…

eBay not to blame for that fake memory card you bought off some bloke in Hong Kong


eBay has won its long-running legal battle with expensive necklace make Tiffany’s – and been found not responsible for the piles and piles of fake tat that clogs up its virtual shelves.

A judge found that protecting their products is the responsibility of the brand owners, not the seller. So eBay’s off the hook, thanks to a ruling that’s also rather bad news…

Viacom "backs down" – doesn't want to know everything about every YouTube user any more


Angry media mega-corporation Viacom has lessened its demands for information about video watchers, says YouTube – but it still wants details of every item on the site.

YouTube says Viacom – which originally wanted to know what every user has watched on the site – has settled for a bit less data. The critical climbdown is regarding user-associations, so Google will still be handing over its database of stuff, only without the critical user details…