Porsche raging against London Congestion Charge – sets up web site to FIGHT THE POWER

porsche-judicial-enquiry-congestion-charge-london.jpgNo doubt with half a mind on the masses of Porsche Cayennes currently cruising between Starbucks and Wagamamas over in fashionable West London, Porsche has called for an official judicial review of recently announce changes to London’s Congestion Charge.

“Gas guzzling” cars – like, say, the ludicrous Porsche cayenne, which is the stupidest car to ever drive within 50 miles of London – will be hit by a new £25 charge from this October, a tax intensified by London Mayor Ken Livingstone’s removal of the exemption for people who live inside the C-Charge zone…

VIDEO: Reporting from the show floor at ATEI 2008

In case you don’t know, ATEI is a massive trade show for the arcade and amusement world. It’s mainly for businessmen to go to and do serious business, but there’s one very good reason everyone should register and attend – loads of arcade machines all set to freeplay!

So I went. And did a video. It’s a bit long, but you get to see lots of people having fun playing new games, including SEGA’s ultra-odd floor-based-TV game UFO Stomper.

Here are the edited highlights:

The sensational Smoker Bell for those of you who continue to ignore government health warnings

Poor cool people. They all have to stand out on the pavement like Big Issue sellers in order to enjoy a cigarette these days, getting their hair wet and catching colds while bitching about all the uncool people who are still sitting inside.

But no more! This genius device is an outdoor pod, designed to keep fashionable hairstyles intact even during the most furious winter weather. It even has a little table for putting bottles of fashionable and little-known East European beers on while enjoying taking half an hour of the end of your life.


UK Apple fans to be treated to our own Black Friday sale, for tomorrow only!

apple-sale-flyer.jpgIt may not be on par with America’s Black Friday sale last week, but currently the UK is going through some sort of pre-holiday sales-blitz, with most high street stores offering at least 20% off their wares. It’s getting to the point where I’m refusing to pay full-price now, I’m just waiting for the day when I throw a diva strop in Sainsbury’s, horrified that their skim milk isn’t discounted!

Thankfully Apple fanboys won’t have to start throwing diva strops anytime soon, as the big Jobs has kindly ordered a discount on a huge range of Apple…