Nokia Music Store review: blow-by-blow with the wannabe iTunes-killer


So, Nokia’s Music Store has finally gone live in the UK this morning, albeit just slightly later than the promised 7am opening time. I got straight on there to roadtest the service and see how it compares to iTunes. My collected thoughts are below, but the topline is this: good design and usability, a nice selection of music, some niggles around payment and compatability, and the unlimited streaming feature experienced some early teething problems. But read on for the blow-by-blow account.

How to dress like Microsoft's Bill Gates for Halloween

Yesterday’s Steve Jobs costume didn’t float your boat? How about dressing up as his biggest rival, Bill Gates? You’d have women dry-humping your leg all night long if you did, promise. Ok, maybe just me in that case, but I’m sure there are others out there who can’t resist a good Gates lookalike. Right?

Essentially you want to aim on dressing like your Dad at the office, so raid his wardrobe if you can, otherwise get yourself down…