The Digest: Microsoft Band second impressions… and 4 other things people are talking about today

[nextpage title="Next"] Microsoft Band second impressions | WinSuperSite "Even after less than a day of use, it's pretty clear that Microsoft Band is big, bulky, uncomfortable and complex enough to dissuade many from using it. Which is too bad, because there is real magic here." [/nextpage] [nextpage title="Next"] Building a better Paris in Assassin's Creed…

The Digest: Samaritans app flags worrying tweets… and 5 other things people are talking about today

[nextpage title="Next"] Samaritans app monitors Twitter feeds for suicide warnings | The BBC "Samaritans Radar uses an algorithm to identify key words and phrases which indicate distress. They include 'tired of being alone', 'hate myself', 'depressed', 'help me' and 'need someone to talk to'. Users who have signed up for the scheme will receive an…

The Digest: Twitter keeps spreading its wings… and 5 other things people are talking about today

[nextpage title="Next"] Twitter increases users and sales but shares slide | BBC News "Twitter has reported a doubling in sales and a 23% increase in the number of active users of its micro-blogging site for the third quarter. The firm said it added 13 million monthly active users between July and September, meaning it now…

The Digest: Web inventor ‘staggered’ by hateful people online are… and 4 other things people are talking about today

[nextpage title="Next"] Tim Berners-Lee: hateful people on the web are 'staggering' | The Guardian "Sir Tim Berners-Lee has expressed sadness that the web has mirrored the dark side of humanity, as well as enabling its wonderful side to flourish. The developer, who created the web in 1990 while working for the particle collider project Cern…

The Digest: First Apple computer sells for £570,000… and 5 other things people are talking about today

[nextpage title="Next"] First Apple computer sells for £570,000 | ShortList Magazine "One of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak's Apple I computers has sold at auction for an astonishing $905,000 (£570,000) to an unnamed buyer. Originally hand-made by Steve Wozniak in 1976, it's believed to be one of the first 50 models made in Wozniak's family…

The Digest: Charlie Brooker on Gamergate… and 4 other things people are talking about this morning

[nextpage title="Next"] Gamergate: the internet is the toughest game in town – if you’re playing as a woman, says the Guardian's Charlie Brooker: "There seems to be a small yet vocal core of maniacs bafflingly resistant to the notion that women should have any say in the games industry at all. Even recent statistics indicating…

The Digest: Lenovo rumoured to be buying BlackBerry (again)… and 5 other things people are talking about this morning

[nextpage title="Next"] Industry rumours suggest Lenovo is looking to expand its smartphone operations by buying BlackBerry, says a report at ExpertReviews: "The rumours boosted share prices for BlackBerry this week, a much needed increase following lukewarm reception to the company's Passport smartphone earlier in the year. BlackBerry handsets used to be widely used by business…