Palm Centro $100 smartphone not that exciting after all


There’ve been internetweb rumours about the Palm Centro smartphone for a while now, but yesterday it was officially unveiled in the US. It’s a compact-looking handset with a full QWERTY keyboard, and is aimed at regular folk rather than business users.

The big thing is the price: $99.99 in the US, where operator Sprint has bagged a three-month exclusive on the handset. Besides that keyboard, the phone runs the Palm OS, and has a touchscreen, Bluetooth and support for push email and instant messaging. The camera’s only 1.3-megapixels though, which is disappointing for a consumer-focused smartphone.

Palm announce new Treo 500v with Windows Mobile 6

palm%20treo%20front.JPG A new Treo! A new Treo! Not only that, but Susi from our sister-site Shiny Shiny will be getting her hands on it later today, and knowing her awesome video prowess, will no doubt have a video to show of it tomorrow too.

The Treo 500v has packed 3G/UMTS mobile internet plus that lovely, if clunky, Windows Mobile 6 OS into the handset, plus the usual full qwerty keyboard, large screen and video streaming capabilities. I’m already imagining catching Trisha on one during my lunch-break…

Palm teaser site promises new smartphone on September 12th

Palm are dangling the proverbial carrot infront of our noses, with a teaser site set up claiming a new Palm smartphone will be unveiled on the 12th of September. With only eight days to go, I don’t know how Palm-fans will be sleeping at night.

There’s speculation rising all over the internet as to what the phone will be, but the general consensus seems to be that it’ll be the Centro….

Review: HP iPAQ 500 Series

The propaganda

Normally, when I think smartphone, I think QWERTY keyboards. I think bulky touchscreen displays and 3G (or better yet, HSDPA) connectivity. So the HP iPAQ 500 Series candybar handset is a bit of a break from the norm. It runs Windows Mobile 6.0 and as such comes with the full range of push email and mobile office applications, media player and Windows Live Messenger, yet it is still barely bigger than any ordinary camera phone.

Video Group Test: Windows Mobile smartphones

Thinking of buying a new smartphone? There's a plentiful crop of Windows Mobile devices around, including some new models coming out with the latest version of the operating system, Windows Mobile 6.

Alex from Shiny Shiny has been taking a look at some popular models, including one with WM6. Click below to watch her roundup and see which phone comes out on top.