Apple iPhone application development: can't do right by some

andy-merrett.jpgAndy Merrett writes…

Thanks to the amount of hype and spin surrounding the iPhone, it seems that, when it comes to third party applications, Apple can’t do right by some people.

Apple were criticised right from the start when it looked as if they wouldn’t offer any kind of third-party application support for the iPhone.

Now that their initial solution has been unveiled – Web 2.0 and AJAX – they’re being slated again. Pick a derogatory word about Apple’s solution and it’s probably been used against them.

It seems few people stop to consider that this is Apple’s first-generation iPhone. As with the first Apple TV, the first iPod, the first Mac, the first iMac, or the first MacBook Pro, it will have first-generation functionality.

Everyone knows that future generations of the iPhone will feature more functionality. Take a look at the evolution of the iPod, now imagine what an iPhone could look like in five years’ time.

iPhone opens up to developers via current web standards: No complicated SDK needed

Andy Merrett writes…

Developers have been waiting for some time to find out exactly if and how they can create applications for the iPhone – and yesterday Steve Jobs told them.

At his opening Keynote speech to the World Wide Developers’ Conference, he made it clear that the iPhone would handle applications, and they’d all run using Web 2.0 and AJAX technologies via the updated version of the Safari web browser.

I’ve already written that developers may now take notice of Safari because of the iPhone, and this effectively seals the deal.