Tech Digest competition: win a Tesco Internet Phone Stickphone!

tesco-internet-phone-2.jpgYou might’ve seen Alex’s video review the other week of the Tesco Internet Stickphone, which allows you to use their internet phone service with your computer or laptop. If you did, you would know all about the competition we’re running from today, then, where Tech Digest are giving out two of Tesco Internet Phone’s Stickphones, and our friends at Shiny Shiny have two to give away as well….

Excitement: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart website to launch in FEW SHORT HOURS!

jon-stewart-daily-show.jpgFinally, something to do on the coming winter months now that huddling outside crack dens clutching spoons isn’t a smart idea. Unless you want pneumonia.

Finally getting their asses into gear, Comedy Central has given The Daily Show With Jon Stewart its very own website, due to launch today at noon EST. Only a few short hours, get those fingers poised on F5 already…

Tech Digest competition: win a Tesco Internet Phone Stickphone!

tesco-internet-phone-2.jpgYou might’ve seen Alex’s video review the other week of the Tesco Internet Stickphone, which allows you to use their internet phone service with your computer or laptop. If you did, you would know all about the competition we’re running from today, then, where Tech Digest are giving out two of Tesco Internet Phone’s Stickphones, and our friends at Shiny Shiny have two to give away as well….

Tech Digest competition: win a Tesco Internet Phone Stickphone!

tesco-internet-phone-2.jpgYou might’ve seen Alex’s video review the other week of the Tesco Internet Stickphone, which allows you to use their internet phone service with your computer or laptop. If you did, you would know all about the competition we’re running from today, then, where Tech Digest are giving out two of Tesco Internet Phone’s Stickphones, and our friends at Shiny Shiny have two to give away as well….

Tech Digest competition: win a Tesco Internet Phone Stickphone!

tesco-internet-phone.jpgYou might’ve seen Alex’s video review the other week of the Tesco Internet Stickphone, which allows you to use their internet phone service with your computer or laptop. If you did, you would know all about the competition we’re running from today, then, where Tech Digest are giving out two of Tesco Internet Phone’s Stickphones, and our friends at Shiny Shiny have two to give away as well…

Opinion: Why Gordon Brown, Dr Tanya Byron and the Nanny State should stay out of technology

Jon_small_new.jpgWhen does a Government go too far in a bid to protect its citizens? When it locks people up without a charge? When it bans people from taking to the streets and puts them under curfew? Or when it employs a TV presenter to look at how the Internet and computer games are harming the nation’s youngsters?

This week it’s been announced Dr Tanya Byron – star of such TV greats as House of Tiny Tearaways – is to preside over a review of what effect the web and console adventures are having on kids across Britain. And I for one find it not only laughable, but downright disgusting that Gordon Brown and his cohorts think they have the right to interfere in our lives which such a pointless exercise…

We have Facebook to thank for bringing back the Wispa (and our wibbly-wobbly thighs)

We’ve been hearing reports in the media the last few weeks that Wispas were making a comeback, after many years since the aerated chocolate bar was discontinued. It was only the other night I saw one in my local off-licence when I nipped over for a bottle of ketchup, and according to Shiny Shiny, we have Facebook to thank for this national treasure being made available once again, and for the extra fat on our thighs. High five!

Cadbury has commented that “This is the first time that the power of the Internet played such an intrinsic role…

Korea/Japan Week: Domain suffix '.asia' launched, hear cheap electronics companies squeal with delight

kid-on-computer.jpgThe domain ‘.xxx’ may not have been allowed the other month, but ‘.asia’ has been given the all-clear by ICANN – which may very well target the same sites, to be honest.

A Hong Kong-based company, DotAsia, won the right to set up the domain, which is pretty luck for namesake’s, err, sake. “The .asia domain acts like a channel or a portal, showing your commitment to the Asia market as a whole,” said Edmon Chung from DotAsia about the deal. It’s thought that…

Korea/Japan Week: Kim Jong-Il boasts he's an 'internet expert'

sq_kim_jong_il.jpgWell, well, well, it looks like Kim Jong-Il fancies himself as a bit of an ‘internet expert’. Funny that, considering most of North Korea doesn’t have electricity in the evenings.

Jong-Il recently met with the South Korean President, Roh Moo-Hyun (only the second time North and South Korean leaders have ever met), and one of their topics of conversation happened to be the internet. When Moo-Hyun broached the subject of allowing South Korean companies located within the North Korean…