Nose Pit Mask: stops hay fever, stops disease, makes you sound silly


Now, I don’t suffer from Hay Fever and I haven’t started coughing up lungs through London’s pollution just yet but I can see the appeal these nostril plugs would have for those with streaming cheeks at this time of year.

The Nose Mask Pit – I assume the translation is a little catchier in Japanese – is designed to help you defeat those foreign bodies just itching to get up your hooter…

Walking about to get easier – and fun! – with the Honda Walking Assist Device


Poor old walking is on the decline. Sitting down has enjoyed a massive period of growth over recent decades, relegating walking to the preserve of people whose cars have broken and the poor who can’t afford cars in the first place.

Well, walking’s about to strike back!

Just revealed by boffins at Honda is this – the Walking Assist Device. A simple mechanical gadget that supports your body weight…

Think PC hacking is bad? How about heart hacking… wirelessly?


Computers have been open to hacking attacks for years now, but most people generally think of the PC sitting on their desk, or a supercomputer tucked away in a bank vault, or cybercriminals hacking in to the Pentagon…

How about hacking medical devices designed to regulate a heartbeat?

Computer security researchers in the US found that it was possible to “hack” a Medtronic’s Maximo combination defibrillator and pacemaker, by placing it within two inches of some very expensive ($30,000 worth of) lab equipment and reprogramming it to either shut down or to deliver fatal jolts of electricity…

Padded lampposts coming to London, for the protection of stupid text messagers


This had better be an early April Fools joke or edgy and underground viral marketing campaign, or society’s in a much worse state than we previously thought.

The East End’s fashionably run down student heartland of Brick Lane is apparently about to get padded lampposts, in order to protect “inattentive” (STUPID) pedestrians from breaking their (STUPID) faces when bumping into them while texting their “M8s.”

Springflex: because your colleagues love the smell of sweat in the morning


Bored of your office desk-cum-treadmill? Want to beef up your biceps instead of your thighs? Then I guess, err, you’ll be after the dubiously named ‘Springflex’. Sounds suspiciously like an infomercial product to me!

It can be screwed onto your desk, giving you the power to do well over 120 exercises, targeting your upper body…all whilst sitting at your chair, staring blankly at your RSS feeds, wishing it was lunchtime already so you can stare blankly at all the greenery in your local salad bar.

Here’s a word of advice, though. If you purchase…