Meet Animin, the new digital friend with an AR twist

Remember the Tamagotchi, the Japanese handheld digital pet that was all the rage in the 1990s? Since then, digital or virtual pets have come in all shapes and sizes, from web- or software-based to handdheld units similar to the Tamagotchis. Well, now say hi to the Animin, a new digital pet for phones and tablets…

The UK Top 10 video games chart: GTA V still reigns supreme

[nextpage title="Next"] Grand Theft Auto V holds on to No.1 for a third consecutive week. Rockstar/Take 2’s blockbuster has now notched up a total of seven weeks at No.1 which is more weeks on top than any other GTA title. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and FIFA 15 swap places with Activision Blizzard’s title up…

8 Top Apps for Moving House

[nextpage title="Next"] Moving house can be stressful - but luckily there is a tonne of apps out there to make the process as painless as possible. Here's our pick of some of the most useful. [/nextpage] [nextpage title="Next"] 1) Use Zoopla to find somewhere to live So first of all, you're going to actually need…