It's dark. You can't find the thing you need. You need a Night Coaster.

Gadgets, Home Appliances


This is a nice and simple gadget, and I like nice and simple gadgets.

The problem: You wake in the night and you need to take some medication / answer your mobile / put your glasses on – but it is too dark.

The answer: Night Coaster sits on your bedside table with your medication / mobile phone / pair of glasses on it’s surface. By simply waving your hand over the Coaster, a soft blue light is emitted and you are able to retrieve your item.

This solves: 1. Lurching around in a state of semi-blindness, flailing your arms about on your bedside table and potentially smashing stuff like your medication / mobile phone / pair of glasses. 2. Waking others from their slumber by smashing stuff in the dark, cursing loudly, then ultimately switching on the bright bed-side lamp and spending half an hour cleaning up your broken medication / mobile phone / pair of glasses.

Other features: The Night Coaster shuts off automatically, and features a hard-wearing plastic waterproof casing.

Things to note: It takes four triple-A batteries, and it costs about £15.

And that’s it. I won’t be getting one. I’d rather flail in the dark. But it’s nice and simple, isn’t it? Just the kind of thing that would make a great gift for an elderly relative when you don’t know what else to get.

[via 7Gadgets]

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Ryan Weir
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