YouTube promises HD video streaming in next three months

Top stories, Web 2.0

youtube-hd.jpgFed up with shoddy YouTube videos? Join the club. But according to co-founder Steve Chen, a dose of high-definition goodness is on the way. At least, that’s what he promised in his speech at the NewTeeVee conference in San Francisco yesterday.

Apparently YouTube is testing a new player that detects if you’re on a souped-up broadband connection, and if so, serves you with higher-quality video. If the trials go well, it’ll apparently go live on the site in the next three months.

You’ll only feel the benefit for videos that were originally uploaded in a decent quality, mind. It’s a logical move, so nobody should be too surprised. It’ll certainly help people make use of that new 1GB file upload limit.

(via Webware)

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