Turn your kids all Sith-like with this Star Wars Darth Vader laptop

I just saw these Darth Vader laptops from Oregon the other day in person, and before I had the chance to write about them, Alex at Shiny Shiny beat me to it. We’re just too good here, *hair flick*

Aimed at kiddywinks, or your mate who resembles Nick Frost just a little too much for comfort, these ‘laptops’ are actually activity centres for children which contain ‘mind-blowing games in logic, music and other breathtaking activities’. Use the interactive light sabre and ‘choose a learning path with Darth Vader’,..

easyJet go green

They may be known for their garish orange but Stelios seems to fancy a colour change – his budget airline has unveiled a new fuel efficient plane, The Ecojet.

It’s not just a normal flyer with better fuel efficiency, this has two open rotor jet engines at the back of the airplane, which, according to the firm, improve the overall performance of the plane. The wings are swept forward to reduce drag and the body is made with lightweight carbon fibre to reduce the overall weight…

Suck at Guitar Hero? Fool your friends with the Guitar Heronoid robot

guitarherorobot.jpg Guitar Hero is without a doubt one of the most enjoyable games available, although let’s be honest with each other…we’re not very good at it, are we? I’ve just about nailed Iron Man by Black Sabbath, on the first version, but John the Fisherman by Primus, on Guitar Hero II? Bah! I’m lucky if I can match even two of the notes.

That’s when you need to call on your good mate Rafael Mizrahi, who has just created a robot called the Guitar Heronoid. Like most men I know, it’s divided into two parts – the brain, which detects and analyses the PS2 video signals and generates play-commands such as when to press the buttons, when to strum etc, and the body, which reads the play-commands and controls the twiddling fingers…

Shiny Video Review: Digital Camera Roundup (Kodak, Canon, Pentax, Olympus)

We’ve locked Zara from Shiny Shiny up in our offices and given her some Kodak, Canon, Pentax and Olympus digital cameras, and told her she can’t escape until she perfects the art of photography. See her video review for the cameras here, and if you like what you see, you can buy them below. Obviously you can’t buy Zara – she’s still locked up in our office awaiting our next challenge…

Win ultra-rare, limited edition Mimobot USB memory sticks with Mimoco

Mimobots are those USB memory sticks for the design-fussy amongst us, who just won’t accept a bog-standard job from Dixons. Normally coming in limited edition sets of just a few thousand, and even Star Wars characters, which Firebox.com will be stocking shortly apparently, a UK exclusive we hear, they’ve suddenly got a lot more attractive.

Mimoco, the company behind the addictive geek apparel, have created a scavenger hunt where between now and the 24th of July (the day the annual Comic Con falls on, which I’d give my right leg to attend) they’ll be revealing one of the nine new Core Series 2 Mimobot USB memory sticks each day. If you happen to be the first to find the site with the ‘breaking news’…