Virgin and Universal team up to offer unlimited music package


Virgin Media has announced that they have signed a deal with Universal Music to offer their customers an unlimited digital music service.

The move, which sounds a darned sized better than previous digital music services such asNokias Comes With Music, would mean users get unlimited access to DRM-free mp3s of Universal artists for a monthly fee, rumoured to be around £10-15. Users would be free to store these mp3s on any players of their choice.

Universal Music owns a huge number of record labels and artists available in the service will include the likes of Kanye West, Jack Johnson, U2 and Elton John. Virgin are also said to be in talks with other record companies.

The only snag is that you have to be a Virgin broadband customer in order to use the service. If successful though, hopefully other ISPs will get involved or similar services will be set up.

This news comes a day before Lord Carter’s digital review is due to be published. In it, he is expected to call for ISPs to offer more attractive options to music fans than illegal downloads. Virgin’s package will seemingly do just do that.

Virgin has also announced that it would be doing more to prevent illegal downloads via its network. They’re talking about educating users and may suspend Internet access for persistent offenders.

It will be interesting to see how other ISPs respond to this news and how they respond to Lord Carter’s report in general. It’s obvious that illegal downloading is a big issue at the moment.

Hats off to Virgin for being the first out of the blocks in response.

(via Reuters)

Nintendo reveals initial offerings on DSiWare

Thumbnail image for Nintendo DSi.jpg

Nintendo has just announced the games and applications that’ll be available at launch for the DSiWare channel on the new Nintendo DSi. The console, which we reviewed here, has functionality allowing for the downloading of new software. Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Nintendo DSi Browser – to surf the internet on your DSi
  • Paper Plane – guide a paper aircraft through a maze
  • Pyoro – catch fruit using a bird’s tongue
  • WarioWare: Snapped! – move your hands and face in front of the camera to complete superquick mini-games
  • Art Style: AQUITE – help a diver reach the bottom of the ocean
  • Art Style: CODE – numerical puzzle game requiring you to turn the DSi on its side

These titles will be available for “Nintendo points” that can be earned either by buying games or by buying them separately. Registering your console will immediately give you 1,000 points free, too. Games and apps will either be free or cost 200, 500 or 800+ points.

Nintendo DSi

Spotify and 7Digital buddy up


Digital music upstart-of-the-moment Spotify has added yet another revenue stream to its growing collection – users are now able to right-click tracks to buy them via 7Digital.

Currently, the click just takes you to the relevant 7Digital page for the album. In the future, however, the companies hope to allow one-click downloads in Spotify itself, as well as functionality to buy entire playlists.

This move should further silence the doubters who claim that Spotify has no business model. On the contrary, this is now a third solid way of monetising their business, after ads and premium subscriptions. I do doubt a little how much people will use the functionality, though.