Cor! Get a load of these snazzy limited edition mju µ 1020 digital cameras from Olympus


It’s a very slooooow news day today, which is why I’m showing you these limited edition µ [mju:] 1020 digital cameras from Olympus, which is basically the 1010 with funky skins.

Wildly exciting news, obviously.

Designed by a Hungarian artist, Matei Apostolescu, they’re limited to just 5,000 units, and have 10.1-megapixel sensors, a very tidy 7x optical zoom,…

Eazzzy digital camera concept with USB stick transfer


Now this is a novel idea. Sure, it’s a mere concept for now, but creator Sung Woo Park definitely knows what floats our boat, with the ‘Eazzzy’. It may have three ‘z’ letters in it, but the idea is by no means a snooze.

The Eazzzy doesn’t contain a viewfinder or any bells and whistles, but what it does feature is a USB connector, for more than easy transfer of your photo files to your PC. It’s got a disposable…

A wide-angle lens for iPhone that makes pretty much zero difference

If you’re that into photography you know about wide angle lenses and are bothered about the width of the angles of your shots, chances are you’re carrying something around with you that’s a little bit better at taking photographs than an iPhone.

But let’s put that paradox to one side for a moment and talk gadgets. This gadget. A wide-angle lens that clips over the top of your iPhone and makes your angles wider by fiddling about with the light as it enters your iPhone’s camera.

The makers of it have very kindly put together a before and after shot illustrating the kind of difference it’ll make.
