Trend Micro has it in for Internet Explorer – advises switching to another browser IMMEDIATELY


Trend Micro has upgraded its alert status to DEFCON 1 regarding Internet Explorer, telling internet users to stop using it or face having to call out a man to make your computer start working again and set your home page back to something that isn’t porn.

Apparently, some 10,000 web sites are hosting the newest Internet Explorer-exploiting virus, which attempts to steal online gaming accounts by tricking the easily-trickable into signing into fake accounts hosted on Chinese servers…

Happy Birthday, Google Chrome – 1.0 today


The browser the world didn’t demand has come out of beta today, with Google releasing a “1.0” version of its Chrome web toy for a largely disinterested world to not bother with once again.

You’re probably reading this in Firefox or Internet Explorer, so it won’t mean much, but the few Chrome users out there will be pleased to know that Google reckons Chrome is now less buggier, up to 1.5 times faster at loading Java…

iPlayer project chief talks iPlayer 2.0 and Broadcast 2.0


The iPlayer’s now been around for just over a year, and the project chief, Anthony Rose, has had a chat to the Guardian about how he sees the future of the application. Damn, it looks rosy.

He mentions a wealth of brilliant-sounding features, including a sign-in system, an online library, and a system that lets you talk about BBC programmes with friends. Essentially, they’re making the iPlayer social. Your friends will be able to deliver recommendations and ratings and discussions will only be shared with that friend network – not the whole userbase.

SEGA launches marginally disappointing online "casual" gaming portal PlaySEGA


The once-mighty SEGA has nailed its colours to the “Casual, internet” gaming mast, with the launch of PlaySEGA – a little portal rammed with simple games and colourful logos that might just hold the average teenager’s attention long enough for a game to finish downloading.

It’s not just about trading on former glories, PlaySEGA’s got actually NEW stuff on there to play that’s been made specifically for the service, should you, for some odd reason, be tired of slogging through Sonic 2 or Golden Axe on your emulator of choice.

As is fashionable these days, users are encouraged to sign in and create a wacky and possibly zany avatar symbolising their unique personalities, with “Escape Areas” – personal profile pages based around visual… – search, and crucially, context

kosmix-header.jpg is a new startup that’s trying to shake Google’s dominance of the search market. Good luck with that, guys. However, I rather suspect that their real agenda, to take an analogy with politics, is more similar to the Green Party’s approach to Labour and the Conservatives. It’s trying to change things not by grabbing a majority share, but by innovating and passing popular ideas up to the people at the top.

Kosmix is trying to change search by providing context to your results. On the results page, you get a list of (Google’s) search results, as well as relevant forum posts (from Omgili), Q&As (from Yahoo! Answers), Videos (from BlinkX, YouTube and Trueveo), Images (from Yahoo!) and News and Blogs (from MeeHive). There’s other resources too, depending on what you search for.

YouTube goes full HD at last?


Looks like YouTube has finally switched on full HD – at least for videos uploaded in high-definition. Going to the site now, and tracking down a video recorded in high-definition, like this one, for example, will give you a “Watch in HD” in the bottom-right corner of the video display.

The results are spectacular. Compare Hilary Duff in normal YouTube video quality, with HD, here. It’s jaw-droppingly impressive, especially when viewed fullscreen. As soon as we can, we’ll start uploading our review vids in HD, so you can get a better look at the gadgets we get sent.

YouTube HD (via TechCrunch)

Related posts: Full-length movies to hit YouTube | YouTube goes Widescreen

Take part in a virtual symphony on YouTube, perhaps make it to Carnegie Hall


YouTube has just announced that it’s setting up the “world’s first collaborative online orchestra”, the YouTube Symphony Orchestra, in which musicians from all over the world learn and perfect a single piece of music, record themselves playing it, and then submit it for inclusion in the giant online experiment.

It’s never going to give you the same kick as playing live with real musicians, but there’s a competition that will see the best performers whisked off to Carnegie Hall to play the piece for real – not in front of a video camera…

New Doctor Who hitting iTunes – one series a week popping up during December


Doctor Who, a show which chronicles the increasingly camp adventures of a time travelling man who gets his clothes from a Help The Aged sale rack and solves everything from interplanetary war to tooth decay by shouting while pointing a screwdriver at a broken numeric keypad, is coming to iTunes.

BBC worldwide, the commercial arm of the BBC that’s allowed to sell things for money, is dumping every episode of the new Who on Apple’s shopping system. Episodes from the first series of the modern Who should be ready for buying and downloading today…