The quite superb Suzuki PIXY single-person electric car

If you fancy tootling around town while being mocked by the local youths and have a skin think enough to cope, the Suzuki PIXY could be the next-generation vehicle for you. It’s a single-person vehicle which may or may not be legally describable as a “car” – and it’s entirely electric so that all you world-saving environmentalists can tootle around feeling quite superior about that.


Robot cars with lasers spotted in… Daventry?

cybercar-daventry.jpgWho knew Northamptonshire was this exciting? The town of Daventry is currently home to a bunch of driverless cars using lasers to find their way around. They’re called Cybercars, and are being pitched as a potential way to increase the use of public transport.

It’s all part of an EC scheme called CityMobil, with the Cybercars running on a light track, and designed to be used in pedestrianised zones and tourist areas. “We can build lots more car parks and have lots more cars going in, or we can look at a viable alternative to the car,” local council leader Chris Millar tells the Beeb. “We believe this could be the answer.”

There are a few potential pitfalls though…

HumanCar: the concept car powered by… your arms?


Hey, y’know those railway cart things you see in old movies, where two people power them along the track by hauling on levers? Well, imagine how great it’d be if someone used that concept for a car? You know you’d drop your VW Polo like a stone for one of those. Maybe.

Well, take a look at HumanCar, which uses what’s apparently called the FM-4 human-powered propulsion system, although there are electric motors on board too, if your arms get tired.