WowWee has done it again, with the Barry B. Benson bee

WowWee, those ever-inventive chaps behind the Robosapien, FlyTech Dragonfly and Robopanda amongst a whole other menagerie of animals, have just added another critter to the collection. They’ve teamed up with DreamWorks to produce a piece of merchandise bound to be on every kiddywink’s Christmas want-list this year, Barry B. Benson from the upcoming Bee Movie.

Using the same technology…

Under the rainbow lurks the Discovery Rainbow In My Room

indoor-rainbow-maker.jpgObviously with all good things in life, moderation is key. If you have chocolates often, and get given flowers everyday, you’ll inevitably become desensitised to it, until the scary day when receiving a gift doesn’t mean anything at all.

Surely the same notion works with rainbows too? That’s why I’m sceptical about the Discovery Rainbow In My Room, which splashes a prismatic rainbow arc of colour onto walls or ceilings, created by LED lights…

The 19th Century got Impressionism, we get Suck UK graffiti trains at Firebox

And politicians wonder why this country is going to the dogs! When companies like Suck UK and Firebox are flogging trains you can graffiti yourself, there’s little wonder kids do this to trains nowadays. I just realised how much I’m beginning to sound like Jack Thompson, argh.

Still, even if they are possibly encouraging kids to vandalise public transport, these graffiti trains from Firebox do look like fun, and will allow you to live out the life of Banksy in your very own house. Each train is like a blank canvas…

Boomerang with LED lights? Bet the Aborigines wish they'd thought of that!

I’d love to see the faces of some Aboriginal elders when they watch this LED boomerang in action for the first time – I wonder if they’d be like proud fathers watching their kid learn to walk, or shaking their head in disgust at what was once a way of catching prey for survival turn into a form of entertainment for the 21st Century.

American Eric Darnell has recently shown off his latest invention, a foam boomerang called the ‘Scimitar’ which has been affixed with LED lights. As you can tell from the picture, when thrown, the boomerang is tracked…