NOT CES 2008: Mobile music revenues to hit a staggering $18 billion by 2012

sony-ericsson-W380-happy-days.jpgAnd it’s all to the hottest and coolest new “thing” in the music world – paid for subscriptions, says telecoms analysts Juniper Research.

Mobile-friendly services like Universal’s Total Music, where you pay a set fee every month and get to listen to EVERY record it’s produced/churned out, will fuel this cash-mad boom, with iTunes obviously mopping up the rest of everyone’s money…

NOT CES 2008: Exclusive video of what WON'T be in Las Vegas this year

Hey everyone. What with all the talk of this “CES” thing that’s going on at the moment, I thought I’d give you an EXCLUSIVE look at a few of the products that won’t be on the show floor this year.

I’ll be revealing a two-year-old TV with NO HDMI sockets on it whatsoever, a six-year-old games console and a literally ancient digital cable box that’s definitely NOT rocking the crowds at the Vegas Convention Centre right now.

You won’t see these anywhere else! (apart from maybe at a dump or really poor friend’s house).

NOT CES 2008: Yahoo!'s web Finds of the Year

yahoo-finds-of-year-2007.jpgSilly old Yahoo! decided to send out a press release today. Probably no one else will notice, what with the billions of press releases about TVs and mobile phones and robots flying about the place right now.

But WE noticed.

Yahoo! has come up with this list of what it calls the “Finds of the Year 2007” – basically a self-promoting little ready-made feature for bloggers like us to slot in among the billions of updates about new kinds of Bravia we’re all hammering out today…

CES 2008: Toshiba re-embracing SD era with its 22LV505 – a regular DVD-playing combo LCD TV

High-definition format war? What high-definition format war?

Correctly realising that about 99.9999% of the world’s population is still perfectly happy to watch movies on DVD – or even lower quality DivX rips burned to DVD – smarting HD DVD format backer Toshiba is wisely also covering all last-generation bases with this – a 22″ LCD TV with built-in DVD player:


CES 2008: Sony reveals 16GB Memory Stick

sony-ces-16gb-memory-stick.jpgLooking for some exciting new ways to give yet more of your money to Sony? Or just after a bit more storage space for those illegally obtained PSP games? Or do you just always have to have the biggest thing to go in all your things?

Well knock yourself out – Sony’s just revealed a 16GB Memory Stick at CES. That’s enough room for a ‘warez’ copy of every worthwhile PSP game ever made, plus quite a few pirated Sony movies and albums! Thanks for making it so easy to carry around portable copies of all the stuff we’ve just stolen off you, Sony!

Warner dumps HD DVD and goes Blu-ray exclusive! Format war over? Blu-ray triumphant?

warner-bros-dumps-hd-dvd.jpgUh-oh. Set the internet to RED ALERT – the nasty HD DVD and Blu-ray war might just be about to end, thanks to Hollywood heavyweight Warner deciding to go Blu-ray exclusive in 2008.

In a press release over on its official portal, Warner Bros. has kicked all HD DVD owners to the kerb – and announced it’s going Blu-ray exclusive from May of 2008.

The world-ending press release starts like this: