Bubba Waring, Facebook foetus, has more friends than you

Web 2.0

pregnancy-ultrasound-17-weeks.jpg As most people will readily admit being addicted to the crack which is Facebook, I’m wondering whether it’s a smart move that a couple expecting their first child has set s/he up with a Facebook profile. That’s right – a foetus with a profile. The poor kid will need Web 2.0 rehab by the time s/he’s three.

It’s a rather sweet idea, with family friends being able to leave comments on the foetus’ wall, and get given presents and all manner of Facebook fun. The parents claim the foetus has already developed a nasty graffiti habit, leaving scrawls on other peoples’ walls, and with only three months to go until s/he wreaks havoc on his mother’s cervix, s/he has built up an impressive list of friends. All leaves me feeling rather unpopular and insignificant, really. Someone turn s/he into a vampire/werewold/pirate/ninja quick-smart!

Facebook Foetus (via Shiny Shiny)

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