YouTube Video of the Week: 2008 Roundup


2008’s been an awesome year for silly internet videos, as the compilation from Videogum above proves. There are some crackers missing, but you can rest assured that most of your favourites are present and correct. Now sit back, and let the year flash before your eyes.

(via Videogum)

Related videos: Terrifying Xbox 360 fanatic shows off his “Xbox Room” | VIDEO: Lock and unlock your door with a Nintendo controller

eBay Nutcase of the Week: Person pays $10,000 for digital picture of a "seven legged spider"


The beginning of this story is mildly amusing. An Australian man called David Thorne attempted to pay an outstanding bill of $233.95 by sending the utility company a drawing of a spider he made on his computer – which he valued at precisely $233.95.

The utility company replied to his email in a very serious manner, saying it was “unable to accept drawings as payment” and a whole heap of internet hilarity entailed as the conversation between David and the poor admin assistant was beamed around the internet.

Then things start to officially go TOO FAR. David Thorne gave his spider…

Send a message through Bob Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues video

Bob Dylan must be taking cues from Barack Obama, and is taking his advertising into the web 2.0 world. Designed to drum up interest in his greatest hits album (like he needs to advertise, the album will sell itself!), he’s delved into the viral video format. On his website you can input your own personal message onto the cards he holds up in the classic Subterranean Homesick Blues music video, and send it on to friends via email, who can then view your equally Dylanesque poetry…