OpenAI launches GPT-4o, electric truck firm Tevva seeks emergency funding

So no, OpenAI didn’t roll out a search engine competitor to take on Google at its May 13, 2024 Spring Update event. Instead, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4 Omni (or GPT-4o for short) with human-like conversational capabilities, and it's seriously impressive.  Beyond making this version of ChatGPT faster and free to more folks, GPT-4o expands how you can interact with it, including having…

High-growth firms expect AI and GenAI to transform industry, claims report

Generative AI (GenAI) and AI will significantly transform industries in the future, according to 81% of global (UK: 75%) respondents to the Dell Technologies Innovation Catalyst Research. This rises to 91% (UK: 88%) for organisations reporting high (+25%) 2023 revenue growth and dips to 75% (UK: 65%) for those reporting low growth (1-5%), flat revenue or decline. Based on responses…