Celebrity Twitter user Stephen Fry in LIVE LIFT TRAP SENSATION


Stephen Fry, who has gone from obscure advert voice-over man and trainee Peter Ustinov to become the WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS PERSON thanks to his embracing of the tech world and Twitter in particular, has, once again, done it.

He got stuck in a lift.

Fortunately, there was a mobile signal available…

Japan set to cross another invention off Arthur C. Clarke's list – sets aside £5bn for "space elevator"


A mere 30 years after Arthur C. Clarke first mooted the idea of running super-thin, lightweight cables into space and tethering them to a satellite in his book The Fountains of Paradise, Japanese scientists reckon they’re ready to bring all the parts together and make it happen.

For a relatively low in space travel terms bill of £5bn, the boffins think they’re close to solving the carbon nanotube technology issue that could make the existence of 22,000 mile-long cables possible. That amount of rope or even Ethernet cable…

The world's fastest lift!

I grew up in the country. Lifts were rare and therefore very exciting. Even getting to go on an escalator was something of a white-knuckle thrill ride into the possible future, coming around about once a year when going Christmas shopping in a town big enough to have two branches of WH Smith. Once you've felt it, the excitement of effortless upward motion never goes away.

This, the world's fastest lift, is located within the massive Taipei 101 tower. It can take passengers to the 89th floor in 37 seconds, at a speed of nearly 38mph. This is the ultimate in LIFT PORN: