IFA 07: Nikon launches two entry-level cameras, the L14 and L15

Nikon are showing off their wares here at IFA, with several new cameras added to their CoolPix range. First up, for the entry-level seekers, the L14 has the honour of supposedly having the longest battery life out of the vast barrel of 3x zoomer compact cams. Specs include a savoury 7.1-megapixel sensor, 23MB inbuilt memory (expandable by using SDHC memory cards), 2.4″ LCD screen, and is available in black, or to please both genders, in blue and pink…

WiiWii review the Japanese Nintendo DS game Otona No DS Kao Training (Face Training)

dsc00880.JPG Hello, cute WiiWii freelancer! It’s hard working at Shiny Media sometimes when we have so many freelancers spread throughout the country, often we have no idea what they look like. Until now, thanks to Chris’s recent review of the new DS game Face Training, which comes with an external camera, allowing THE WHOLE WORLD to view Chris’s bespeckled charm. Sigh.

Otona No DS Kao Training, or Face Training, if you will, was released earlier this month in Japan, but the lucky WiiWii-er managed to snag a copy for review purposes. He claims it probably won’t see a release outside of Japan, which is a shame, as judging by his verdict on the game and external camera, it sounds worth buying…

Shiny Video Review: Digital Camera Roundup (Kodak, Canon, Pentax, Olympus)

We’ve locked Zara from Shiny Shiny up in our offices and given her some Kodak, Canon, Pentax and Olympus digital cameras, and told her she can’t escape until she perfects the art of photography. See her video review for the cameras here, and if you like what you see, you can buy them below. Obviously you can’t buy Zara – she’s still locked up in our office awaiting our next challenge…