Shiny Video Interview: Dr. Tanya Byron on the Byron Review into gaming

Dr. Tanya Byron, best known as a TV parenting shrink, has been commissioned by the UK government to conduct an independent study with a wide remit on gaming, covering whether games are harmful and if so, what can be done to protect children. Online gaming and Internet use are also covered by the study which is largely based on two “calls for evidence”. These ask adults and, most importantly, children…

Shiny Preview: Philips cheap/luxurious/confusing hotel rooms

We had to retire Shiny Katie the other day, since she went to the Philips Sense and Simplicity concept show Tuesday morning. It comes round but once a year, but she never fails to be completely mesmerised by the whole experience and end up a quivering wreck at the sheer conceptness of it all.

In this video, she looks at the Philips hotel room, which is actually due to see a real life unveiling at several airports around the world including Schipol in The Netherlands. It’s a kind of European…