Spotify's app for the iPhone and Android on sale now

Announcing the launch on a blog post Spotify's Andres Sehr said "The mobile apps will allow you to take the entire Spotify catalogue and put it in your pocket. You can use our 'offline mode' to make playlists available at all times, even when no connection is available, perfect for that ride on the tube or long flight across the Atlantic."

Sexting and sexy snaps on social networks

I haven't been able to move this week for news about 'sexting'. I must confess that I was only vaguely familiar with the term, thinking it had been made up by a journalist for publicity purposes and wasn't a real problem. How wrong I was. Now I read that teenagers in the US and Australia have killed themselves when their boyfriends/girlfriends have emailed/MMSed 'compromising' pictures to school mates/parents, usually after they've split up. But in a worrying twist it now seems that so-called compromising pictures posted on social networks are being used as evidence in court to mitigate in cases of sex crime.

Dell planning on a range of mobile phones

Thumbnail image for dellphone-android-china.jpg

We’ve seen picture evidence and heard word of Dells plans to move into smartphones before but, today, at an analyst conference, the president of the company’s consumer division confirmed their interest.

Ronald Garriques talked of opportunities to develop a range of 3G-based handsets with screen sizes between 4-12″. So, that’s from very big, to laptop. Already thought they did the top end of that?

Dell was widely thought to have developed a smartphone in the past that was rejected by operators in Europe and the US but now Mr Garriques has said that they’re happy to work with the top three of four in the world to come up with something that meets their needs. Doubtless more dribs and drabs on this one until the photos of phones next to stationary begin.

(via Cellualr News)