ARCHOS unveils ‘Hello Connect’ smart home platform with Tuya Smart

French consumer electronics company ARCHOS has formed a partnership with global AI/IoT platform Tuya Smart to launch a new smart home platform, ARCHOS Hello Connect. Designed to allow consumers the opportunity to convert their traditional homes to smarter living, Hello Connect promises to manage connected objects via one single app, all simply by just asking. Tuya…

Not so smart. Three quarters of us don’t understand tech terms such as IoT and blockchain

Overall Brits scored 30.8% when tested on 2018 technology terms. 25-34 year olds are the most tech savvy age group, scoring 35% on the test, the least savvy were the 45-54 year olds who scored just 24.7%. The Northern Irish are the most tech savvy in the UK scoring 39.3% on the buzzwords quiz. See how you score on the 2018 tech buzzword quiz A survey from translation…

Ford’s brainy benches to offer free solar powered mobile charging and wi-fi

  Worrying about a flat smartphone battery could become a thing of the past, at least to those living in parts of London.  Ford and smart cities start-up Strawberry Energy are rolling out smart benches to offer pedestrians free solar-powered mobile charging and free wi-fi access while they sit and rest across the city. The collaboration…

Living in the smart city – solar powered pavements and roads that can charge electric cars

  From big data gathering information about pollution, water use and traffic through to smart roads capable of managing autonomous vehicles and charging electric vehicles, Fast Future's Rohit Talwar, Steve Wells and Alexandra Whittington look at what the future has in store for the smart city In the coming decades, the planet’s most heavily concentrated…