GTA Online heists are finally here!

It has been a long time coming but believe it or not, heist mode is finally available in Grand Theft Auto Online. After being promised at launch, heists were AWOL for the longest time, but today if you log into GTA Online on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 or Xbox One you'll find an update containing…

WATCH: The greatest sniper shot in Halo history?

Check out this video above - which shows possibly the luckiest shot in Halo history as a fluke snipe manages to ricochet off several walls and kill the opponent... ...Or was it really luck? According to the video's description, the shooter knew exactly what he was doing: "Of course the kill was intentional!! I accurately…

Rockband 4 confirmed for PS4 and Xbox One.

The rumours of a reunion were true! Harmonix is getting the band back together for a new version of Rockband for the PS4 and Xbox One. “With Rock Band 4, we’re doubling down on the energy and excitement of playing music live with your friends,” says Harmonix Chief Executive Officer Steve Janiak. “Focusing on the…