WWDC 2008: 3G iPhone 2 to be £100 in UK, on July 11th


Jobs said “these are all signed, sealed and delivered”, so by the end of the year, the 3G iPhone will be available in 70 countries, with Mexico, Canada and countries in South America first, and other countries being added at later dates – Spain, Africa, and Japan included.

The 3G iPhone, on the other hand, will be available from July 11th, at no more than $199 in each country for the 8GB version – that’s £100 here in the UK. The 16GB version will be available in white, for $299, or £150, for us…

WWDC 2008: iPhone 2 announced by Steve Jobs – it has 3G internet, GPS, flush headphone jack…


Steve Jobs just announced the news everyone has been craving since before the first iPhone was even announced – the second generation iPhone will have 3G internet connectivity. My ears hurt with the ringing of everyone clapping at the news at WWDC.

In addition to that major feature, the phone will contain “a flush headphone jack”, with “solid metal buttons, the same gorgeous 3.5″ display, and camera”.

The back of the iPhone is no longer silver, it’s black, and “thinner at the edges, full plastic back”.

In addition to the aforementioned hardware specs, it also features inbuilt GPS, and an extended battery life, of 300 hours on standby, 3G…

WWDC 2008: Steve Jobs announces iPhone 2.0 software with full iWork reading support


No new iPhones yet, however an update – iPhone 2.0 software – has been mentioned by Steve Jobs at WWDC, which will be released early July, for free.

It’ll also be available for the iPod Touch, for $9.95, and contains several functions including Contact Search, iWork support and new image capabilities. The iWork support means you can view iWork documents sent to you via email, plus Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents as well.

With images, you’ll now be…

Apple stores down around the world…gee, I wonder why?


This happens every so often, usually on the day a new Apple product is expected to trot out of the stables, at WWDC or MacWorld. Andy at iPhonic just alerted me to the fact that Apple’s Australian site, plus several Asian ones, are all down, fuelling rumours that new stock is being added.

Due to the difference in time zones, it’s actually already Tuesday in some of the countries, so they’re obviously getting…

Send your tweets even when Twitter is down, with Twiddict


Ever feel like your blood pressure is through the roof on those frequent occasions when Twitter is down and you just have to update about something important? Like ‘I just had a cup of tea and am reading my RSS Feeds now’. Personally, I feel like I’m going to have a cardiac arrest if I don’t update that very second.

Thankfully a new Twitter client has launched today, just in time for Apple’s WWDC event where Twitter will undoubtedly go down. Twiddict is an easy way to update, but sadly doesn’t display your friends’ tweets – for that, you may need FriendFeed. It pings the Twitter API to check whether it’s up, and if it’s one of those days where the IT guys are taking a holiday, it puts your update…

Interview: Qualcomm CEO says 3G iPhone will raise the bar for mobiles


Ashley Norris writes…

The last time I met Qualcomm’s CEO Paul Jacobs (pictured) in London three years ago he was enthusing about his nascent mobile TV technology MediaFLO. I remember being quite cynical at the time telling him that I thought the Nokia backed DVB-H mobile TV format was a shoe-in for the UK and indeed most of Europe and that he should concentrate on the US.

Well there’s still no sign of any commitment to launch DVB-H in the UK, however MediaFLO is a step closer given that Qualcomm has just spent £8 million on buying some L-band radio spectrum. The official line is that it is to be used testing MediaFLO, but given the close relationship with Sky – the two company’s trialled MediaFLO in Manchester last year – there’s plenty of gossip that a UK launch of MediaFLO isn’t too far away…

Beam kawaii patterns onto your walls with the Hello Kitty Mangekyo projector


Of all the weird, wonderful, and downright disgusting Hello Kitty-emblazoned gadgets, never have I seen a Hello Kitty projector.

Sadly it can’t beam out films at 1080p resolution, as it’s actually a kaleidoscope projector with three patterned discs you slide in, similar to those viewfinder toys you played with as a child. In addition to splashing colourful Kitty patterns all over your walls, the Mangekyo projector can…

Hivision's 'eco-friendly' NB1020 sub-notebook runs on Windows Vista, firm rival for Eee 1000


Hivision is a brand we’re unlikely to ever see in the Western World, however it’s worth showing to you, due to the claim that it’s an ‘eco-friendly’ sub-notebook.

Shown off at Computex, the PC expo in Taipei, the NB1020 runs on Linux, Windows XP and…Vista? It has a 1.6GHz processor speed, 512 DDR RAM, and an 80GB HDD. It’s on the large end of the sub-notebook scale, measuring 10.2″, with a resolution of 1024 x 600…