Apple stopping Nokia selling the iPhone in the US – so says the Telegraph

iPhone, Mobile phones

3g_iphone.jpgIn what might well be the most bizarre headline of the year the Telegraph has confimed that ‘Apple moves to ban Nokia selling iPhone in America.’

Come again? So Nokia is going to start selling the iPhone in the US but Apple isn’t happy about it?!

The story actually relates to the current ding dong between Apple and Nokia in the US courts. In case you’ve forgotten in October Nokia accused Apple of pinching 10 of its patents related to GSM and 3G mobile phone technology. Apple then responded by accusing Nokia of “stealing” its technology and infringing 13 Apple patents.

Now, according to the Telegraph Apple is pushing for Nokia to be banned from selling its ‘popular mobile phone’ (is this the iPhone they mention in the head) in the US.

Confused? You betcha. Is there really someone writing about technology about the Telegraph who thinks that Nokia makes the iPhone? Could be.

Back in the real world it appears that Apple is trying to stop Nokia from selling its phones in the US. Here’s the Reuters story which does actually make sense. I wouldn’t think Nokia is too worried about the US market anyhow. It appears to have given up on the States and instead is focussing on countries like India and China.

In not related news check out this Express article on Twitter and the BBC – bizarre

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