Google Street View car in SENSELESS animal slaughter shock – pictures included
For the love of GOD, won’t someone stop them?
Google’s roaming fleet of privacy-invading world-mapping cars caused a bit of a stir yesterday, when one of the people who spends their every waking hour combing Street View for photos of hookers, drugs deals going down, shootings and sunbathing ladies found this – the moment the Street View car flattened a deer.
You’d think the driver would’ve said something and told his bosses not to upload the pictures, but no. Although the photo has since been removed from the service, to avoid offending people who don’t like seeing animals getting run over by cars. Which is most sane people in the world.
(Via TDW)
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This is quite harsh š
that is very cool hahahahahahaha
Talk about OTT.
The deer didn’t even die, and other news stories say the Google van driver contacted local police and Google themselves to inform them. Senseless is the author of this article as it was nothing more than an accident. It’s a common occurance for deer to be struck down in that area of NY, the only senseless act was that of the animal.
Original story here:
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