Half of teachers think the internet's useful, half don't, and 20% don't understand it at all

Computers, Internet, Web 2.0, Websites

teachers-not-understanding-internet.jpgThat long-winded headline is the summary of a survery carried out by LM Research, which interviewed 1,500 teachers, parents and students about how the internet is changing the classroom.

Half of teachers think that internet tools like Wikipedia are good, but half think they’re of no educational use and simply distract the youth of today from their algebra. It is an opinion stalemate. Imagine the heated debates going on in staff rooms around the country right now!

More worrying is that a fifth of teachers – the older, crazier fifth, we’d imagine, or the sports ones – say that they simply don’t know enough about the internet (or lack the “knowledge or training to integrate them into their lessons”) to decide whether it’s useful, damaging, educational or turning children into mindless zombies with attention spans of marijuana-addicted goldfish.

(Via Yahoo)

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Gary Cutlack
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