Nokia patent application shows a Wii-like inspiration for gestured-controlled input


nokia-s60-touch-usts-tm.jpgAll has been quiet on the Nokia Tube front of late, something of which I’m blaming Lily Allen and her jubblies for – how much more column inch does she need?! Ahem.

A patent application has been flying around, showing Nokia’s plans for a ‘touchless’ user interface, meaning users wouldn’t actually have to touch the display, they’d merely have to gesture in front of it. Take that, iPhone!

Whilst you might look like you’re controlling your phone using Jedi mind-tricks, it does sound somewhat plausible, as emitters and sensors will be integrated into the display, sending out soundwaves which in turn detect hand gestures and identify the commands. Hey, if it can work on the Wii, then perhaps it can work on a mobile phone?

(via Unwired View and Pocket-Picks)

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Katherine Hannaford
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One thought on “Nokia patent application shows a Wii-like inspiration for gestured-controlled input

  • It’s that lazer keyboard you used to be able to buy for your pda for about, but built in and without the keyboard (sic), if you see what I mean. What a bunch of weasils. The phone even looks like a palm in a dock. Should have been thrown out. I can’t believe they dont fine people for this sort of thing

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