Meiji – Tetris meets chocolate


tetris_choc.jpgCould you improve on a simple bar of chocolate? Yes, you can convert it into a vintage game – which is what you get with the Meiji Tetris-style chocolate game.

Straight out of Japan, it’s a chocolate bar with a difference – choose your type (white, milk or plain – going up in order of difficulty), then break up the bar in Tetris-like pieces.

Scramble them up, then try and re-create the block with the Tetris chocolate. Apparently, it’s not that easy – especially if you eat some. And if you can’t do it in one sitting, a plastic box is on hand to store it. Available online and yours for the equivalent of ÂŁ3.50.

Strapya World (via Popgadget)

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Dave Walker
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One thought on “Meiji – Tetris meets chocolate

  • Er no, it’s not Tetris it’s Pentominoes!

    The clue is the fact that pieces each consist of 5 blocks 😉

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